Gion A. Caminada
Stall Pius Caminada
Gion Caminada proposed three theses for the maintenance and extension of potentially viable agricultural production modes, which have remained unchanged since completion of his inventory and report in 1990. These make clear that the architectural design of individual stables is not enough; certain rules and regulations regarding comprehensive urban planning must also be established and consistently enforced. The first thesis asserts that possibilities for the construction of additional stables and commercial buildings within the architectural ensemble at the hear of a village must be sought and used in order to attain the desired level of settlement density.
The second thesis addresses usage of the village margins, the peripheral zones of Vrin’s various districts. It emphatically states that construction planned for these areas must be integrated into existing architectural stock, which implies that special attention must be paid to certain existing squares, junctions and settlement patterns.
The third thesis refers to clusters of buildings planned for the margins of each district’s respective centre. It is planned to locate them at the lower end of these densely built areas in order to make them less visible from elevated points such as the high road. The proposed development, which includes commercial properties, is intended as an extension of the infrastructure required for the storage and processing of agricultural produce (known on the market as its “refinement”). There is only one limitation in this regard, namely that a commercial venture can acquire a building lot here only when it has proved impossible to find a suitable location in any of the district centres.
Lieu: Vrin, Switzerland
Type: Écurie
Drawings: Gion A. Caminada, Cul zuffel e l’aura dado, 2005
Text: Bettina Schlorhaufer, Agricultural and commercial buildings in Vrin and its vicinity, 1990–2004
Photography: Christoph Engel - Lucia Degonda
Publié: Octobre 2019
Catégorie: Architecture