What are we going to do now, here, in the succession of improbable places? We are feeble caught in the snares of the Megamachine. Passengers en route to a compromised destination. I remember, as a child, having dreamed of distant worlds, of science fiction universes. What else was I expecting? Space ships? Three-headed Martians? It is all here now, present in its most perfect banality, in its most delirious reality. (…)
Xingu hut, Amazonian forest, Brazil, 2008Farm, Islande, 2007Geothermal plant 1, Iceland, 2007Base camp on Mont Blanc, France, 2006Ski Dubaï 2, United Arab Emirates, 2008Tomato greenhouse 3, Holland, 2008Tchernobyl 3, Swimming pool, Prypiat, Ukraine, 2007Living quarter in front of a casino, Macao, China, 2008Tchernobyl 1, The great wheel, Prypiat, Ukraine, 2007Ski Dubaï 3, United Arab Emirates, 2008Home for youth, Iceland, 2007Container, Iceland, 2007Geothermal plant 2, Iceland, 2007Unknown production factory, Ukraine, 2007Steel mill 1, Ukraine, 2007Military base 2, Tucson, USA, 2007Military base 3, Tucson, USA, 2007Airbus A380 under construction 3, France, 2008Extraction of minerals 1, Ukraine, 2007Demolishing a nuclear center 2, Ukraine, 2007Demolishing a nuclear center 1, Ukraine, 2007Petroleum field 1, USA, 2007Golf course, Hong-Kong, China, 2008Buisness quarter 4, Hong-Kong, China, 2008Buisness quarter 5, Hong-Kong, China, 2008